Here is a walk through of the Hash on Sunday...
There is a small group of expats in the city that hosted this week's Hash Run...
Here are some of the group getting ready to go on the run.
When the run starts, it reminds me of a marathon... Everyone clustered together... but soon the faster people take the lead and the slower people take the end of the line.
I would say within 30 minutes this cluster of people can barely see each other along the "hares" path.
The Hare can be quite tricky and set up mysteries for you to figure out with certain markings left on the ground...
The Hare can be nice and point out interesting scenery...
This week's Hares were the Belgians and they did a fantastic job.
After the little villiage, we were led down a more peaceful street. I took this picture of these tent houses with the wedding throne. I don't know... it struck me as strange, and I took a picture.
Hey guys wait for me!
Down some rocks...
Back to the Belgium house roof top for 'circle time'. (Here are some of the Hash Horrors)
John and his friend Benjamin... such a sweet boy!!! (Benjamin that is)
We gathered on the roof while waiting for the last of the line to catch up with the first of the line.
enjoying the rooftop view.
It's difficult to explain circle time... It reminds me of a fraternity, with songs and silliness.
Venkat usually runs the circle, he honks his horn when we get distracted... I think Hashers are traditionally easily distracted.
Here is another view of the circle.
The Belgians were called into the center of the circle and sung to and made fun of and thanked for a great run... and bringing Belgian "beir" for people to sample.
Scott and Brandon are here talking about hosting an American Hash in April or May... I think they just want a cool name.
This is Tom... Oops, I don't know what his Hash name is so I will just avoid using a name here.
As the sun started to set the Smiths (Both Sides, Doctor Bare Foot, and Scott who has never hared and doesn't have a cool name like John and me) got hungry and did something that is becoming a tradition with us.
We left and went out to dinner... John hitting his nose on the way. (He's holding ice on his nose so he doesn't grow up to look like Uncle Rich... his words... I should let him know that between Scott and my nose genetics haven't given him a chance of a normal nose).
John and Scott on the Belgian steps.
We went to the Walden Club at Whisper Valley to have a quiet family meal... (and we thought it was a place that would allow us to eat there with our Hash atire) only to find out there was a huge birthday party going on for a first grader from John's school and many of our friends were there.
John giving Scott a back rub... Now I know why we had him... Anyway thank you Belgians for a terrific day!
Here is more of the group talking about the run and...
When you are a Hare for the first time you are given your Hash name. It's a nick name that you use when you are at Hyderabad Hash House Harriers.
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