Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas in Hyderabad

Twas the night before Christmas and all through Hyderabad,
Traffic Noise was abundant, driving me stark raving mad.

The stockings were hung by the pooja with care,
In hopes they will be filled with trips abroad including airfare.

The maids had decorated the tree all merry and bright,
It was time to call the dog in and say good night.

My family was resting, snug in their beds,
While ceiling fans quietly spun over-head.

When outside in the fields there arose such a clatter,
I rushed onto the balcony to see what was the matter.

A thick blanket of white smoke from trash burnings filled the air
and gave off the strange smell of moldy horsehair

I had hoped to spy a vision of Santa Clause
Only to find a troop of honking auto rickshaws

The sky suddenly filled with fireworks
Over the fence a wedding party lurks.

With drumming and dancing all through the night
"Don’t you know it’s Christmas" I scream out with spite.

With the skies on fire would Santa come visit?
Would he see the danger and decide to skip it?

I know Indian weddings can last and last,
I asked the security guard to do something fast.

The guard leaves his fire protecting him from the chill
Goes to the fence and blows his whistle high and shrill.

The weddings, the horns, the dancing and drumming,
The beeps, the dogs howling, refrigerator humming,

Call to prayers, clanking engines, the sentry’s whistles,
Trains chugging, airplanes zooming, firework missiles,

I cry out to the sky smoky and hazy
The noise in this city is driving me crazy.

I lay in my bed ignoring the racket blues,
and finally dooze off for a nice long snooze.

In the morning I wake and can’t help myself,
I run downstairs...we’ve been visited by the jolly ol’ elf.

When what to my wandering eyes should appear?
Noise canceling headphones to wear on each ear.

The best present, gift or good deed!
Does Santa know exactly what I need?

I didn’t even ask… I’m really impressed.
Thank you Santa you’re the best!

To all my friends I say with delight,
Om on Earth and to all a goodnight!

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